Biography of Sultan Mehmed Celebi / Extra History of Sultan Mehmed Celebi

Biography of Sultan Mehmed Celebi. Welcome to Biography category. Today we will discuss life and achievements of  Sultan Mehmed Celebi. In this article i will share Extra History of Sultan Mehmed Celebi.

Biography of Sultan Mehmed Celebi

  • Title: Sultan
  • Date of birth: 1389
  • Date of death: May 26, 1421
  • City: Edirne
  • Country: Turkey
  • Father: Yildirim Bayezid
  • Mother: Devlet Hatun
  • Born: 1389
  • Death: 26 May 1421
  • Reign: 1413 – 1421

Biography of Sultan Mehmed Celebi :

Sultan Mehmed Celebi was born in Edirne in 1389. His father is Yildirim Bayezid and his mother is Devlet Hatun from GermiyanoÄŸulları. He was of medium height, round-faced, white-skinned, red-cheeked, and broad-chested. He had a strong body. He was very active and brave. He wrestled and could even pull very strong bowstrings. Sultan Mehmed Celebi, who personally participated in 24 wars during his reign, received nearly forty injuries in these wars. The turban he used on his head looked very beautiful with his gold embroidered turban.

 He wore a caftan with fur inside and a stand-up collar. Sultan Mehmed Celebi would show the justice he showed towards Muslims, also towards Christian communities. He was a good administrator and politician. He completed his education in Bursa Palace. Later, he was appointed as the sancakbey of Amasya by his father, and during this time he learned state affairs. Sultan Mehmed Celebi, who succeeded in reuniting the principalities in Anatolia after the Interregnum, can be regarded as the second founder of the Ottoman Empire. Sultan Mehmed Celebi died on May 26, 1421 in Edirne. The news of his death was hidden. He was the first sultan among the Ottoman Sultans whose death was concealed. His body was brought to Bursa and buried in the Green Tomb.

Sons: Mustafa Çelebi, Murad II, Ahmed, Yusuf, Mahmud.

Daughters: Fatma and Selcuk Hatun.

Period Of Fetret :

At the end of the Ankara War, the Turkish unity in Anatolia was broken and the Ottoman Empire faced the danger of disintegration. Yıldırım Bayezid's sons started the struggle for the throne after the death of their father. Thus began the greatest period of turmoil in Ottoman history. The struggle for the throne in this period, called the Interregnum, increased even more with Timur's unwillingness to leave a strong state in Anatolia and the intrigues of Byzantium.Süleyman Çelebi declared their sultanate in Edirne, Ä°sa Çelebi in Bursa, Sultan Mehmed Celebi in Amasya, and Musa Çelebi in Balıkesir. Sultan Mehmed Celebi and Musa Çelebi came to an agreement and eliminated Ä°sa Çelebi, who was the governor in Bursa.

 Sultan Mehmed Celebi knew that Süleyman Çelebi should also disappear. For this purpose, he sent Musa Çelebi to Edirne against Süleyman Çelebi. Musa Çelebi defeated his brother Süleyman Çelebi and captured Edirne. However, he did not keep his promise to Sultan Mehmed Celebi and declared himself sultan in Edirne. In 1413, Sultan Mehmed Celebi, who finally eliminated Musa Çelebi, put an end to the Interregnum.

The Struggle For Unity :

Sultan Mehmed Celebi, who gathered the Ottoman Empire back together and, in a way, restored the Turkish unity in Anatolia, declared his sultanate as the sole ruler of the Ottoman Empire. During this period, most of the lands in Anatolia were lost. Sultan Mehmed Celebi took action to reclaim these lands.In 1414, AydınoÄŸlu took Ä°zmir back from Cüneyd Bey. Saruhan and MenteÅŸoÄŸlu principalities were re-connected to the Ottoman Empire. An expedition was organized against KaramanoÄŸulları, who attacked Bursa. KaramanoÄŸlu Mehmed Bey, who was defeated, asked for forgiveness. Sultan Mehmed Celebi also forgave him and allowed him to live in his country.Likewise, Candarogullari Principality, which was re-established during the Interregnum, was attached to the Ottoman lands.

Rumeli Activities :

After these activities, Sultan Mehmed Celebi turned to Rumelia again. The Wallachian Principality, which displayed hostile behavior towards the Ottomans, was attacked and the Wallachians were subject to tax. Sultan Mehmed Celebi strengthened the naval forces, which were established in the time of his father Yıldırım Bayezid, but were not very strong, and the first naval wars were fought with the Venetians (1416).Sheikh Bedreddin Revolt After Sultan Mehmed Celebi achieved unity in Anatolia and Rumelia, he had to deal with two important rebellions.

 One of them is the Sheikh Bedrettin rebellion. Born in Simavna, near Edirne, Åžeyh Bedrettin was educated in the biggest scientific and cultural centers of the time such as Bursa, Konya and Cairo.Sheikh Bedrettin; Together with his close friends such as Torlak Kemal and Börklüce Mustafa, they started to spread their ideas in Anatolia and Rumelia with a sect that they founded in Iznik with ideas contrary to the religion of Islam.After a while, Sheikh Bedrettin and his followers, who came to Deliosman via Wallachia, revolted. Börklüce Mustafa joined the uprising in Ä°zmir and Torlak Kemal in Manisa. Sultan Mehmed Celebi suppressed the uprising by sending forces to Ä°zmir and Manisa. Sheikh Bedrettin, who was caught, was tried and executed by the Judge of Serez (1420).

Duzmece Mustafa Revolt :

Mustafa Çelebi (Düzmece Mustafa), who was taken to Samarkand with Timur after the Ankara War, returned to Anatolia after Timur's death. Mustafa Çelebi, who claimed the Ottoman throne, rebelled in Thessaloniki with the help of Byzantium and the Wallachian Principality.Mehmed Çelebi had Mustafa Çelebi, who took refuge in Byzantium, imprisoned in exchange for money.

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